Friday, November 11, 2011


When was the word "SPOILER ALERT" invented? Probably soon after the invention of the internet... cuz I didn't start hearing that term till around the 90's. 

One of the biggest SPOILER ALERT that didn't necessarily happen to me, but still ticks me off, is hearing my buddy's experience with watching Sixth Sense starring Bruce Willis. (SPOILER ALERT!!) Halfway through the movie, according to him, his friend (or former friend) whispers "Oh Gosh! He's dead!" 
I guess he didn't really spoil it.... but in fact he did.  Same thing with any international sporting event (ie Olympics).  Same thing with primetime TV that's shown first in the East Coast.

But there's one ending that's definitely not spoiled.  As we were sharing in HG tonight... we are currently in a war.  The war that began since Genesis 3 when Adam bit into the Forbidden Fruit.  The war that's gone through centuries and centuries.  The war that continues today in the form of abortion, genocide, child prostitution, greed and more greed.  But the SPOILER ALERT is.... God will triumph. 

Isn't that an ending worth knowing?  We win!!  Well.... that depends on who you side with, I guess. 

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