Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Sin Above All Sins

Friday.. I committed the sin of all sins.  The unforgiveable sin.  The one sin that shall conquer them all.  On Friday...  I missed my daughter's musical performance.

That morning as I was walking out... Joyce told me the performance will be at 4.  I even said I'll bring the camcorder.  I forgot one... I forgot both.

Work was tough.  Been out on travel all week... first day back and all the deadlines were past due.  The boss was out... and the boss's boss was hot on everyone's tail.  A 1PM meeting quickly got rescheduled to a 4:30PM meeting. 

At around 415, as we were feverishly trying to gather our data and input.... "THE PHONE CALL" comes.  I pick up and the voice I hear was, "Are you coming?" 

It was a rhetorical question. I couldn't have answered. I couldn't have made it.  I couldn't have done anything except say, "Ai-yah.... I forgot." 

How do you just forget? Do you forget to eat? Do you forget to pee? Do you forget your own flesh and blood's daycare performance?

I quickly shared my misery with all my buddies at work.  Those with children all let out a similar... "Ohhh...." 

Here I was, thinking back on all the times I vow to choose family over work.  To not miss a recital, a performance, a soccer game, a birthday.  And there I stood...committing the sin above all sins. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

It shouldn't have ended that way... but I'll never really know

It's over.... it's finally over.  The 49ers miracle run at a 6th Superbowl can be officially closed.

Been avoiding all types of media the past two days... in hopes of not having to hear, see or think about what might have happened.  I rather skip out on World News than to accidentally see headlines like "Oh So Close" or "The Fumble 2."  But that's inevitable. 

And you know what the funniest part is....?  I didn't even watch the game.  That's right.... the first NFC Championship game in 15 years and I didn't watch it.  Why, you say??

Well..... let's just say as part of my confession, reconciliation, penance.... I agreed to spend time with my family and not watch this game.  And if you've ever had nicotine or caffeine withdrawal.... multiply that by 100 and you'll be in the ball park of where I was.

For 5 whole hours, I didn't get near my phone, in case someone texted me.  I surfed on websites that I needed to get some work done - avoiding any score highlights.  I had the TV/radio shut off. 

But as destiny would have it.... I was still getting the game's status fed to me by a co-worker in Philadelphia who kept IM-ing me!!  I was logged into work's network, not knowing some other poor soul would be logged on a Sunday evening.  HA!!

In any case.... it's over.  Tears welled up, but didn't run down.  The heaviness of the heart... that ol' so familiar feeling was back.  And it's another year of saying the old adage, "There's always next year...."

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


數月前, 把傑作 "梁生嘗試煮薑醋" 放上youtube.
數月後, 竟然有位有緣人留下comment...

"無意中發現你們兩夫妻合作影片"梁生嘗試煮薑醋 / Mr. Leung's Ginegar (Part 1-4) "對於我學作這道薑醋是很有幫助,多年前已從我家失傳~所以今天對我是如獲至寶,結果發現你們太可愛了,謝謝你們啦~hahahahahaha"
實在太開心了, 一個小小的玩意能幫到人! 

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Girl that cried wolf....

So Nui-nui figured out...all on her very own... that telling a lie can get her out of trouble.  And more interestingly... she can shed blame on someone else, including blaming her 8 month old brother or one of her parents.  Smart kid? Devious kid?

Tonight.... I sat her down and told her the story of "The Little Girl Who Cried Wolf."  She was all excited about a new bedtime story.  She ran onto bed and got underneath her covers as opposed to the regular begging.

As the story unfolded.... you can see her eyes...or the look on her face, the anticipation for the cute or funny part.  When I got to the climax... where the wolf eats all the sheep (I didn't say the wolf ate the girl, of course).  Her eyes were as big as tennis balls.

I asked her if she liked the story... and she said "No."

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Sugar high - misunderstood

Did some research recently to substantiate a thought occurrence and found out that sugar high - is actually a misnomer. 

In Chinese... there's a term called 飯氣攻心.  Translated to "The Rice Energy Attacks the Heart."  When you're done with a meal... you're usually tired, sleepy, lethargic.  That's cuz your digestive system is busy working.  The other reason is because you ate a lot of carbs.  Carbs are merely sugar, saccaride, glucose.  With a surge in glucose in your blood, you get an insulin rush which then makes one tired. 

So why do people think sugar gives them a high? Well... there is such a thing as a sugar rush.  Or...if a body is efficent, it breaks down the sugar really fast and provides a lot of energy.  Children usually get a "sugar-high" not from candy... but from the fact the have access to a forbidden fruit.  C'mon.... 9 out of 10 parents use candy as a reward and only give them out on occasion.  So it's from the excitement the kids are jumping around.  Chocolate houses a lot of caffeine - which will give you a momentary boost. 

But all in all... try eating a bowl of white rice.  Or a baked potato.  And see how you feel in 20-30 minutes.
It'll be like reading this post..... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......

Sunday, January 01, 2012

When does life start getting complicated?

College.... bachelorhood...  2 out of 3 guys do your own laundry.  After drying your clothes.... you most likely will fold them.  There are the boxers, socks and t-shirt.  Simple!!  Jeans and towels are onesie / twosies.  Not worth it's own category.  Three piles.... they go right back into your dresser.

Then it's married life.  And instantly... the 3 piles become don't just double.... they nearly triple.  You still have your socks/shirts/boxers.  Then there's the added panties.  There are her socks.  And unlike you... who sleep shirtless or in those same t-shirts, she has the pajamas and nightgowns.  She has three different types of blouses. She has her bra... .and she has that shirt that goes over the bra... .but isn't really a shirt.  It's a category on it's own.  She has pants, jeans, skirts and dresses.

Then you start having kids.  Then the 9 piles of stuff doubles yet again.  It starts out simple... but gets complicated fast.  First there are the onesies and sleepers.  Then there are the towels.  Then they start wearing clothes.  Not cuz they want to or even need to...but cuz mommy wants them to.  Instantly, they have pants and shorts.  They also have jammies to go under those sleepers.  They have different types of shirts.  The sweater shirts.  The sleeveless shirts.  The sleeved shirts.  They wear socks too!  Not to mention the dozens of little towels you go through on a weekly basis.

Pretty soon, you have two kids.  And the original 3 piles that was so simple and easy to fold/organize/store exponentially multiples to 20 some odd piles and categories.  A chore that took ~5 minutes to accomplish now takes over half an hour.

Just wait until your daughter grows up to be a teenager.  She'll match or exceed mom's laundry output.  A son on the otherhand will easily create another 3-pack.

Not that I'm complaining.  Merely an observation.