Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Sin Above All Sins

Friday.. I committed the sin of all sins.  The unforgiveable sin.  The one sin that shall conquer them all.  On Friday...  I missed my daughter's musical performance.

That morning as I was walking out... Joyce told me the performance will be at 4.  I even said I'll bring the camcorder.  I forgot one... I forgot both.

Work was tough.  Been out on travel all week... first day back and all the deadlines were past due.  The boss was out... and the boss's boss was hot on everyone's tail.  A 1PM meeting quickly got rescheduled to a 4:30PM meeting. 

At around 415, as we were feverishly trying to gather our data and input.... "THE PHONE CALL" comes.  I pick up and the voice I hear was, "Are you coming?" 

It was a rhetorical question. I couldn't have answered. I couldn't have made it.  I couldn't have done anything except say, "Ai-yah.... I forgot." 

How do you just forget? Do you forget to eat? Do you forget to pee? Do you forget your own flesh and blood's daycare performance?

I quickly shared my misery with all my buddies at work.  Those with children all let out a similar... "Ohhh...." 

Here I was, thinking back on all the times I vow to choose family over work.  To not miss a recital, a performance, a soccer game, a birthday.  And there I stood...committing the sin above all sins. 

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