Monday, January 16, 2012

The Girl that cried wolf....

So Nui-nui figured out...all on her very own... that telling a lie can get her out of trouble.  And more interestingly... she can shed blame on someone else, including blaming her 8 month old brother or one of her parents.  Smart kid? Devious kid?

Tonight.... I sat her down and told her the story of "The Little Girl Who Cried Wolf."  She was all excited about a new bedtime story.  She ran onto bed and got underneath her covers as opposed to the regular begging.

As the story unfolded.... you can see her eyes...or the look on her face, the anticipation for the cute or funny part.  When I got to the climax... where the wolf eats all the sheep (I didn't say the wolf ate the girl, of course).  Her eyes were as big as tennis balls.

I asked her if she liked the story... and she said "No."

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