Sunday, January 01, 2012

When does life start getting complicated?

College.... bachelorhood...  2 out of 3 guys do your own laundry.  After drying your clothes.... you most likely will fold them.  There are the boxers, socks and t-shirt.  Simple!!  Jeans and towels are onesie / twosies.  Not worth it's own category.  Three piles.... they go right back into your dresser.

Then it's married life.  And instantly... the 3 piles become don't just double.... they nearly triple.  You still have your socks/shirts/boxers.  Then there's the added panties.  There are her socks.  And unlike you... who sleep shirtless or in those same t-shirts, she has the pajamas and nightgowns.  She has three different types of blouses. She has her bra... .and she has that shirt that goes over the bra... .but isn't really a shirt.  It's a category on it's own.  She has pants, jeans, skirts and dresses.

Then you start having kids.  Then the 9 piles of stuff doubles yet again.  It starts out simple... but gets complicated fast.  First there are the onesies and sleepers.  Then there are the towels.  Then they start wearing clothes.  Not cuz they want to or even need to...but cuz mommy wants them to.  Instantly, they have pants and shorts.  They also have jammies to go under those sleepers.  They have different types of shirts.  The sweater shirts.  The sleeveless shirts.  The sleeved shirts.  They wear socks too!  Not to mention the dozens of little towels you go through on a weekly basis.

Pretty soon, you have two kids.  And the original 3 piles that was so simple and easy to fold/organize/store exponentially multiples to 20 some odd piles and categories.  A chore that took ~5 minutes to accomplish now takes over half an hour.

Just wait until your daughter grows up to be a teenager.  She'll match or exceed mom's laundry output.  A son on the otherhand will easily create another 3-pack.

Not that I'm complaining.  Merely an observation.

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