Sunday, February 12, 2012

Is my daughter Chinese?

At Lucky's today... we were shopping for macaroni.  Nui-nui picks up a 2lb bag of macaroni and wants to buy it.  But it costs $2.18.  Right next to it... was a different brand of macaroni, also a 2lb bag, but it costs $1.98. 

She was adamant in getting "her" bag of macaroni, whereas I was trying to get the better deal.  So I slowly explained to her....

"Honey, these are the same size.  Your bag costs two more coins than my bag.  With those two coins you don't spend on my bag of macaroni, you can use that money to buy someYan-yan cookies!!  So can we buy daddy's macaroni?"

(she thinks about it for a few seconds, then says)


How can she not get it?!?!? She must not be pure Chinese!! ARGH!!!!

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