Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Taking it personally

It's an amazing feeling when your student, your disciple, your direct report SHINES in public, in front of the customer, in front of senior management.  In a way, you can share in the spotlight for being a good manager, coach, mentor.

But when it's the opposite.... the feeling is so overbearing.  I'm so lost right now... on how to help folks that are underperforming.  I like... no.... love them personally.  I vouch for them... fight for them... defend them....Then I go around and help them... nurture them... encourage and admonish them.  And when they fail publicly again, I take it all too personally.  It's me... it's my fault. I failed as a manager. I failed as a coach.

PAL and C-leung warned us in Servant Training that we are NOT the messiah.  Whether the person fails or succeeds, we shouldn't take it personally.  I honestly don't have the wisdom to see it happen.

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