Tuesday, February 07, 2012

The stress is back...

The next two weeks will be crazy.  Already, everyone at work is feeling it.  Every meeting is the "Number 1 priority on the program."  Every where I turn, people are walking zombies.  The morale is so low it's suffocating.  There's so much I want to do! So much I want to change.  But then the big boss man lays down the smack down and reality strikes.

The stress is back.  A few weeks ago, I committed to not yell at Nui-nui again.  My streak was going so great. I was scolding... I was demanding... I was stern.  But never raising my voice.  The past two days... that has all gone away.  Surely I notice it... and definitely Joyce feels the tension is back. 

My dearest daughter.... if you're ever old enough to read this or if this blog still exists when you do...
 Daddy loves you. I'm so sorry for yelling at you all those times. I'm an incomplete and horrible father.  But thank you for loving me despite how harsh I treat you.  Thank you for smiling at me.  Thank you for running into my arms when I pick you up from daycare.  Thank you for reciting my favorite poems and bible verses. Thank you for not liking mushrooms.  Thank you for bringing so much joy and happiness into my life.  Thank you...for letting me love you. 

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