Friday, February 03, 2012

A typical day....

The alarm goes off at 5:30.  I snooze till 6AM.  Then like the NYSE Bell... once it rings, the day doesn't stop.

Jump out of bed.- 6:00AM
Rush to shower (if lucky).
Hurry to make breakfast for Nui nui.
Get Nui-nui cleaned up.
While Nui-nui is eating breakfast... make lunch for her. 
Also make breakfast and lunch for wife if there are no leftovers.
Shower, if didn't shower earlier.(unlucky)
Get dressed.
Pack lunches and put it in car.
Go outside and warm up my own car. Run back inside.
Pack my own lunch...or at least grab a yogurt or banana.
Pray for my kids and kiss my wife.
Dash into car and try to beat traffic (hardly ever works)
Get to work, hopefully by - 7:45AM. 
Non-stop working until 5:25PM.  Any later, and I won't get to Daycare before they close at 6PM.
Perhaps challenge a few traffic regulations to rush to Daycare. 
Pick up Nui-nui.... barely make it.
Sometimes need to go grocery shopping.
Force my way through traffic again.  On days I don't pick up Nui-nui.... I don't have carpool and traffic is worse.
Get home around 6:30PM.

Get Nui-nui cleaned up and start dinner.
Haphazardly kiss my wife and son.
Fight through dinner for whatever fit Nui-nui decides to throw that day.
Perhaps have dessert.  Perhaps have soup.
Time - usually around 7:15ish.

From the moment I wake up till now.... I don't stop.  And after eating a half decent meal.... I need to unwind.  But I make the biggest mistake of being a husband and a father.  I unwind by leaving my family at the dinner table to watch TV or surf the net.  It's not time to unwind yet.  Gotta push for another hour or two.  Spend those few quality minutes with your family.  Do it right... and they'll calmly go to sleep by 8:30PM. 

Then I can unwind..... 

I thank my lovely wife for lovingly reminding me. 

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