Monday, February 25, 2013

It was a fun day afterall...

(this has a good ending... read to the end)

Last week... I took a day off from work since Nui-nui didn't have school.  Decided to take her to San Jose's own Children Discovery Museum.  My gosh..... what a waste of hard earned money.  $5 for parking.  $12 for tickets....regardless of age.  After $29.... we get in there. 

The displays in there is a poor-man's version of SF's Exploratorium.  Except...all the exhibits are nothing more than 7th grade science experiment displays. 

There was the bubble exhibit.  Which kid doesn't like playing with bubbles?  Nui nui didn't.

There was the infamous water exhibit where kids are known to get wet.  Which kid doesn't like playing with water?!  Nui-nui didn't.

All the other exhibits.... Nui-nui wasn't interested in. 

The one thing that she was interested in.... the ambulance.  She kept wanting to get back into that thing. 

I didn't want to force her to play.... she's 3 afterall.  But I felt suckered for spending $29!!!!!

After 2 hours of stretching out what could've been 30 minutes.... we get to the parking lot.   Again... I gave away my parking ticket.  The first person I tried to flag down ignored me.... she probably thought I was a panhandler asking for money.  Sucks to be her!!!  I ended up giving it to a grandfather with his three grandkids.  WIN!!

So after a wet and unexciting day.... I go home and complain to the wife.  It was a bad day.... nothing like the last time we went to Happy Hollow.  I'm never going to CDM again. Blah blah blah.....

Next day.... as the wife was dropping Nui-nui off, she'll pray with Nui-nui.... and here was Nui-nui's prayer:

Nui-nui said: "尋日同爸B去museum, 多謝神"

Awwwwwwwwwwww..... that $29, it was all worthed.  And it was a fun day afterall.....

Sunday, February 24, 2013



馬雖然係駿馬, 係神駒。 但係都需要被伯樂點仲, 然後要經過多翻磨練, 栽培, 提拔, 要挨過無數嘅寒暑, 日積月累, 先有小小嘅成就。  百尺杆頭, 更進一步。 今日嘅成功, 唔代表它日得勝。 可憐隔離D百里馬, 十里馬。 夢寐難求都冇你百份之一嘅天份。努力啦千里馬!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Feast or Famine?

Here's a dilemma... you're hosting a party.  Would you out of food?? Or have sooooo much food leftover that it'll go to waste?

Such was the case tonight.... Don't even want to think too much about it. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Thought provoking

If you were me.... would you introduce your kids to your beloved sports teams?  I love sports... love the drama... love the thrill of victory.... and hate the agony of defeat. 

Am I going to be held responsible when my son or daughter experiences what I've been going through?  Or do I protect them while I can.....?

Monday, February 18, 2013

Perception is Reality

Sat down and got some feedback on the Action Learning Team from last year...from both the ELT and my teammates.

Unsurprisingly, the ELT gave me cheers and attaboys for being an excellent presenter, story teller and having a sense of humor.  As good as it felt to see and hear those words, it didn't do much for my growth other than boost my super-fragile ego.  *smirk*

The comments from my Advisors and Teammates were the "interesting" ones.

To some.... I came across as "arrogant" and "smart alec."  Hrm.... definitely not the first time I've heard that.  And it's probably true.  Coincidentally, a fellow manager told me that I was "cocky", but in a good way.  I guess depending on who your audience or group is.... it's just 10 different ways to look at one thing.

Another comment was.... my "sense of humor can mislead others to think I'm not serious."  Not sure where to go with that one... but I know I thrive on people laffing at my jokes.  And I generally find humor in almost all situations.  That's why Joyce hates watching horror flicks with me.... while half the theater is frightened or scared.... I find myself giggling. 

Quite a topical one was... "being funny in the wrong situation."  The example given was when we had to give a 10 second elevator speech to the Exec VP.  And instead of giving a canned, politically correct answer -- an answer that can be found on my resume -- my answer was sarcastic, funny, uneasy and off-the-cuff.  In my line-of-business, I guess that behavior is not tolerated with executives.  My response is.... because my business has been PC, canned, and formulaic... our execs DESERVE these types of answers. 

Bottom line, my coach told me, "Don't change who you are.  But be mindful of the situation."

And to all my adviors and friends who told the truth, albeit anonomously, I find the truth to be more enjoying and thought provoking than all those pat-on-the-back comments.  Really!!!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

I hate the world....

It's been two full weeks now.  And earlier this week, I just realized I've been in "eff-the-world" mode.

The sky seemed a little greyer.  The traffic seemed a little heavier.  The kids seemed a bit more annoying (ouch! did I say that?) My health got much weaker.  Everything that could go wrong.... did.  And anything that didn't go wrong... I looked at it as if it was hellacious regardless.

Last Sunday.... I found myself doing one of the most unthinkable things.  I went to church and "played along."  During worship... I raised my hand cuz it was the chorus.  I stood up and sat down with everyone.  During the altar call... I went out cuz it was the right thing to do.  Was physically there... but emotionally and spiritually absent. 

Why??? Why am I acting this way? Why???

This is gonna sound sooooooooooooooo stupid.  But it all started with the Superbowl.  Five friggin' yards.... Five friggin' yards have altered my entire being??  Nah.... that sounds too frivilous, even for a fanatic like me. I even went as far as to avoid sports media for the past two weeks.  No KNBR, no Sports Illustrated. No ESPN.  And coincidentally.... no Bay Area sports team have won a game since the penalty on the opening play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dunno.... chronologically it fits.  Can the cup be half full here?? Hrmmmm......

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Went to Buca Di Bepo for New Years Eve dinner... Knowing full well the Chinese restaurants will be packed. Ordered the spaghetti and meatball.... The meatball was literally the size if a baby's head. And poor nui nui got scared when she saw it. Ha!

Sunday, February 03, 2013

"Worse than 02??"

"Worse than 02 series?"  Those were the words that flashed on my phone when the final seconds tic'ed away and the Niners were not going to be hoisting the Lombardi Trophy.  I go back into the archives and dig up my post from when the Giants lost in 2002.

"I am out of words...." circa 2002 LiveJournal

How eerie.... you can simply replace some names for other names and the post will fit right in.  Only..... it doesn't. 

"Worse than the 02 series??"



Saturday, February 02, 2013

Over Favorites

Ok....this isn't good.

The whole world is picking the Niners to win tomorrow.  All the sportscasters and sports writers are saying the Niners are younger, more physical, has more weapons.

But it's this overconfidence that usually leads to an upset.  I don't have a good feeling about this.

Tomorrow night is gonna be a looooooooooooooooooong 3 hours.

Friday, February 01, 2013

Overthinking Overdreaming

Last night... I had a dream of the Superbowl.

First part of the dream was the 49ers returning a kickoff.  The kick returner did a stupendous job...but was stopped around the 10 yard line.  But for his effort...the Niners was awarded 5 points!!!

It gets weirder.... the second part of the dream... I was actually a wide receiver on the Niners.  And Kaepernick was throwing me a TD pass.... only the ball suddenly become a paper airplane that floated to me.  I barely made a shoestring catch. It went to instant replay... and to be honest, I wasn't sure I caught it. 

But moments later...I saw the score: 10-0.  Woohoo!! I caught that "pass." 

Hahaha.... can't wait till Sunday.