Monday, February 18, 2013

Perception is Reality

Sat down and got some feedback on the Action Learning Team from last year...from both the ELT and my teammates.

Unsurprisingly, the ELT gave me cheers and attaboys for being an excellent presenter, story teller and having a sense of humor.  As good as it felt to see and hear those words, it didn't do much for my growth other than boost my super-fragile ego.  *smirk*

The comments from my Advisors and Teammates were the "interesting" ones.

To some.... I came across as "arrogant" and "smart alec."  Hrm.... definitely not the first time I've heard that.  And it's probably true.  Coincidentally, a fellow manager told me that I was "cocky", but in a good way.  I guess depending on who your audience or group is.... it's just 10 different ways to look at one thing.

Another comment was.... my "sense of humor can mislead others to think I'm not serious."  Not sure where to go with that one... but I know I thrive on people laffing at my jokes.  And I generally find humor in almost all situations.  That's why Joyce hates watching horror flicks with me.... while half the theater is frightened or scared.... I find myself giggling. 

Quite a topical one was... "being funny in the wrong situation."  The example given was when we had to give a 10 second elevator speech to the Exec VP.  And instead of giving a canned, politically correct answer -- an answer that can be found on my resume -- my answer was sarcastic, funny, uneasy and off-the-cuff.  In my line-of-business, I guess that behavior is not tolerated with executives.  My response is.... because my business has been PC, canned, and formulaic... our execs DESERVE these types of answers. 

Bottom line, my coach told me, "Don't change who you are.  But be mindful of the situation."

And to all my adviors and friends who told the truth, albeit anonomously, I find the truth to be more enjoying and thought provoking than all those pat-on-the-back comments.  Really!!!

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