Monday, February 25, 2013

It was a fun day afterall...

(this has a good ending... read to the end)

Last week... I took a day off from work since Nui-nui didn't have school.  Decided to take her to San Jose's own Children Discovery Museum.  My gosh..... what a waste of hard earned money.  $5 for parking.  $12 for tickets....regardless of age.  After $29.... we get in there. 

The displays in there is a poor-man's version of SF's Exploratorium.  Except...all the exhibits are nothing more than 7th grade science experiment displays. 

There was the bubble exhibit.  Which kid doesn't like playing with bubbles?  Nui nui didn't.

There was the infamous water exhibit where kids are known to get wet.  Which kid doesn't like playing with water?!  Nui-nui didn't.

All the other exhibits.... Nui-nui wasn't interested in. 

The one thing that she was interested in.... the ambulance.  She kept wanting to get back into that thing. 

I didn't want to force her to play.... she's 3 afterall.  But I felt suckered for spending $29!!!!!

After 2 hours of stretching out what could've been 30 minutes.... we get to the parking lot.   Again... I gave away my parking ticket.  The first person I tried to flag down ignored me.... she probably thought I was a panhandler asking for money.  Sucks to be her!!!  I ended up giving it to a grandfather with his three grandkids.  WIN!!

So after a wet and unexciting day.... I go home and complain to the wife.  It was a bad day.... nothing like the last time we went to Happy Hollow.  I'm never going to CDM again. Blah blah blah.....

Next day.... as the wife was dropping Nui-nui off, she'll pray with Nui-nui.... and here was Nui-nui's prayer:

Nui-nui said: "尋日同爸B去museum, 多謝神"

Awwwwwwwwwwww..... that $29, it was all worthed.  And it was a fun day afterall.....

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