Sunday, February 17, 2013

I hate the world....

It's been two full weeks now.  And earlier this week, I just realized I've been in "eff-the-world" mode.

The sky seemed a little greyer.  The traffic seemed a little heavier.  The kids seemed a bit more annoying (ouch! did I say that?) My health got much weaker.  Everything that could go wrong.... did.  And anything that didn't go wrong... I looked at it as if it was hellacious regardless.

Last Sunday.... I found myself doing one of the most unthinkable things.  I went to church and "played along."  During worship... I raised my hand cuz it was the chorus.  I stood up and sat down with everyone.  During the altar call... I went out cuz it was the right thing to do.  Was physically there... but emotionally and spiritually absent. 

Why??? Why am I acting this way? Why???

This is gonna sound sooooooooooooooo stupid.  But it all started with the Superbowl.  Five friggin' yards.... Five friggin' yards have altered my entire being??  Nah.... that sounds too frivilous, even for a fanatic like me. I even went as far as to avoid sports media for the past two weeks.  No KNBR, no Sports Illustrated. No ESPN.  And coincidentally.... no Bay Area sports team have won a game since the penalty on the opening play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dunno.... chronologically it fits.  Can the cup be half full here?? Hrmmmm......

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