Monday, April 29, 2013

A blessing in disguise

Last Saturday, a friend of from the East Coast came to California for an Awards Night Banquet.  He and I aren't really close... but we have gone through some "good times" together.  So we've bonded over the years.  He really wanted to bring his wife with him...and he received his award.  And as such, they wanted to fly their 4 month out with them.  He asked me via email if I knew of any babysitters who can watch their kid for them during the 3 hour dinner/banquet/award presentation.  I promptly said, "Yes... ME!!!!" 

So here I was....with a 4 month old.  She's on east coast time, so supposedly, she should be sleeping through the night.  Right....WRONG!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my goodness..... she did well for the first 2 hours, but around 9PM, for no reason whatsover, she started bellowing and screaming and hollering.  Joyce tried to calm her down.  Didn't work.  All the techniques I used to quiet Nn and Sw down did NOT work.  After about 20 minutes of torture (for the entire family, and the infant), I was going to call my friend to come pick her up.  But his party ended at 10PM.  I needed to come through for my friend. "C'mon!!! I'm a professional parent!!!"

Out of desparation.... I buckled the baby into the car seat and started to swing the car seat - all 30+ pounds.  My arms ached.  My back hurt.  I was dripping in sweat.  But the only thing that mattered was.... she stopped crying!  Then slowly but surely, I laid down the car seat and started rocking her back to sleep.  She wasn't asleep, totally, but she was calm. 


Around 9:50, I strapped her into my car and drove her to the Hyatt and dropped her off at my friend's hotel.  The only thing I told them was, "She woke up for a bit... I rocked her back to sleep." 

I got home.... and Joyce said, "Thank you.  Now I'm absolutely sure I do not want another one.  Good night." 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

A parenting moment...

Had a wonderful and memorable parenting moment this evening... and I wasn't even involved in it.

I was watching from the hall....(more like spying)... on Nui-nui brush her teeth. There she stood, in her PJ's, on the IKEA stool, squeezing her tube of toothpaste.  Only... she squeezed a bit too hard and out squirts a blob of toothpaste dripping off and running down the side.

I could've walked up and yelled at her.  I could've gone up and cleaned it for her.  But I didn't feel like moving.  I continued observing... and I see Nn use her tooth brush to scoop up some of the overflowed gob of goop.  She carefully balances the the toothbrush on her cup of water.  Then stretches out and turns on the faucet.... and starts rinsing the mouth of the toothpaste.  Cleaning it.  Wiping it.  After the tip of the tube if spotless... she turns the faucet off.  Puts the cap back on.  And starts brushing her teeth.

She turns around.... sees me looking.... and says, "Bah-bee.  I cleaned it." 

And while wiping the tears away from my eyes... I can only say, "Good girl."

That's my girl.... she's 4.  But shes grown up now....she can clean her own mess.  And she'll even admit to it. 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Now you see it... now you don't...

For four days... I've been searching for my remote control.  High and low... near and far... I've looked and couldn't find it.  What is a man, without his remote?  I've gotten to a point where I would not watch TV, cuz I have to walk to turn it on. 

Four days.  Where did Siu Wah hide it? inside his toys? inside some random box? inside the secret compartment to the secret drawer in his secret hiding spot? 

Four days later.... I pull open the drawer on my coffee table to look for something else and there it was.  Only, it was the back side (gray) instead of the top side (black with all the buttons).  It was there allllllll along.... right under my nose.... the same drawer I've pulled opened dozens of time the past four days.  How'd I miss it.....?

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Opening Day 2013

Who was gonna raise the flag?  The best kept secret since they announced the winner of Survivor.

It sure got dusty when Boch walked in from the centerfield gate with the trophy.  Then as the SFFD pulled up in McCovey Cove with the banner... and the fans hoisted the banner onto the field, the dust turned into mist.  And as the six players took the flag and ran up the brick walls... it really started getting wet.  Then finally... with Queen blasting on the speakers, with the words "We are the Champions" echoing off the walls... and as the players took turn hoisting the flag as a team.... the tears finally rolled.

Opening Day... it's like no other.  Especially... when you're Opening as Defending Champs.  And best of all... I got to see it with my wife. (who earlier in the day... went on a shopping spree at Anthropologie.  So we all win!)

Monday, April 01, 2013

Brief moments in time...

Been a while since I've had the inspiration to write.... so this will be just snapshots of brief moments in time....

  • took Nui-nui to the beach on Friday....found myself having more fun building a sandcastle than her.  (another GREAT Father-Daughter Day)
  • waiting in the car to pick up the ladies when I pulled out my phone and snapped a photo of Siu-Wah.... and realizing how much he's grown in the past month.  He has hair!!!
  • 7 years ago.... calling, driving and picking up a college student seemed like nothing.  But having her mention that in her testimony makes me once again realize, every little, insignificant motion can be used by God for His glory.
  • being a 2nd child is tough
  • on a random day.... on a random road.... I was thinking, "Dang....why didn't they hand it to Gore for that last 5 yard!??!"  Yep.... still peeved about the Superbowl.
  • I love the theme song to 天蠶變.
  • Two close friends' moms being diagnosed with cancer within a week of one another.  Sheeeesh.
  • It took almost two years... but Siu Wah is finally taking a liking to books.  Shouldn't compare to Nui-nui.... but she took a liking to books when she was around 1.  Is that why their speech development is so different? 
  • gave my iPhone4 to mom.  She was like a kid in a candy store.
  • Jeff had his annual birthday bowling bash...and this time we made it. 
  • without proof of seeing or hearing... I know that my wife is praying for me.  Otherwise, I wouldn't be who I am today.  And she will never admit to it...or take credit for it. 
April is here.... wow.  That was three months?!?