Sunday, April 14, 2013

Now you see it... now you don't...

For four days... I've been searching for my remote control.  High and low... near and far... I've looked and couldn't find it.  What is a man, without his remote?  I've gotten to a point where I would not watch TV, cuz I have to walk to turn it on. 

Four days.  Where did Siu Wah hide it? inside his toys? inside some random box? inside the secret compartment to the secret drawer in his secret hiding spot? 

Four days later.... I pull open the drawer on my coffee table to look for something else and there it was.  Only, it was the back side (gray) instead of the top side (black with all the buttons).  It was there allllllll along.... right under my nose.... the same drawer I've pulled opened dozens of time the past four days.  How'd I miss it.....?

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