Sunday, April 21, 2013

A parenting moment...

Had a wonderful and memorable parenting moment this evening... and I wasn't even involved in it.

I was watching from the hall....(more like spying)... on Nui-nui brush her teeth. There she stood, in her PJ's, on the IKEA stool, squeezing her tube of toothpaste.  Only... she squeezed a bit too hard and out squirts a blob of toothpaste dripping off and running down the side.

I could've walked up and yelled at her.  I could've gone up and cleaned it for her.  But I didn't feel like moving.  I continued observing... and I see Nn use her tooth brush to scoop up some of the overflowed gob of goop.  She carefully balances the the toothbrush on her cup of water.  Then stretches out and turns on the faucet.... and starts rinsing the mouth of the toothpaste.  Cleaning it.  Wiping it.  After the tip of the tube if spotless... she turns the faucet off.  Puts the cap back on.  And starts brushing her teeth.

She turns around.... sees me looking.... and says, "Bah-bee.  I cleaned it." 

And while wiping the tears away from my eyes... I can only say, "Good girl."

That's my girl.... she's 4.  But shes grown up now....she can clean her own mess.  And she'll even admit to it. 

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