Sunday, April 07, 2013

Opening Day 2013

Who was gonna raise the flag?  The best kept secret since they announced the winner of Survivor.

It sure got dusty when Boch walked in from the centerfield gate with the trophy.  Then as the SFFD pulled up in McCovey Cove with the banner... and the fans hoisted the banner onto the field, the dust turned into mist.  And as the six players took the flag and ran up the brick walls... it really started getting wet.  Then finally... with Queen blasting on the speakers, with the words "We are the Champions" echoing off the walls... and as the players took turn hoisting the flag as a team.... the tears finally rolled.

Opening Day... it's like no other.  Especially... when you're Opening as Defending Champs.  And best of all... I got to see it with my wife. (who earlier in the day... went on a shopping spree at Anthropologie.  So we all win!)

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