Monday, April 01, 2013

Brief moments in time...

Been a while since I've had the inspiration to write.... so this will be just snapshots of brief moments in time....

  • took Nui-nui to the beach on Friday....found myself having more fun building a sandcastle than her.  (another GREAT Father-Daughter Day)
  • waiting in the car to pick up the ladies when I pulled out my phone and snapped a photo of Siu-Wah.... and realizing how much he's grown in the past month.  He has hair!!!
  • 7 years ago.... calling, driving and picking up a college student seemed like nothing.  But having her mention that in her testimony makes me once again realize, every little, insignificant motion can be used by God for His glory.
  • being a 2nd child is tough
  • on a random day.... on a random road.... I was thinking, "Dang....why didn't they hand it to Gore for that last 5 yard!??!"  Yep.... still peeved about the Superbowl.
  • I love the theme song to 天蠶變.
  • Two close friends' moms being diagnosed with cancer within a week of one another.  Sheeeesh.
  • It took almost two years... but Siu Wah is finally taking a liking to books.  Shouldn't compare to Nui-nui.... but she took a liking to books when she was around 1.  Is that why their speech development is so different? 
  • gave my iPhone4 to mom.  She was like a kid in a candy store.
  • Jeff had his annual birthday bowling bash...and this time we made it. 
  • without proof of seeing or hearing... I know that my wife is praying for me.  Otherwise, I wouldn't be who I am today.  And she will never admit to it...or take credit for it. 
April is here.... wow.  That was three months?!?

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