Friday, June 07, 2013

Mind your own soy sauce!!

There are these unwritten rules in life... where common courtesy over-reaches into rudeness.

Don't look at my wife for more than 3 seconds. I know she's a hottie.. that's why she's my wife.

Don't add cream and sugar into my coffee.  Let me ruin my own cup of perfectly good java.

Don't pour soy sauce into my sushi dish.  When I eat sushi... I'm not dipping into soysauce, but rather a wasabi paste with a bit of soy sauce.  Ok... now if you so cordially pour a dish full of soy sauce for me... I'm left with eating "soy sauce fish...." or you just forced me to use up all the wasabi. So now I'm the one that looks rude.  C'mon....

Just a few nits....

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