Monday, June 03, 2013

Another one of those moments....

Last time... it was watching Nui-nui brush her teeth.... this time it was watching mommy give her a shower.  Why does it always happen in the bathroom?

As she's standing there....fighting to keep the water out of her eyes.... it suddenly hits me how tall she is now. 

And I say to her, "囡囡呀,可唔可以唔好大得咁快啊可唔可以做我嘅小囡囡?"
She replies, "大得咁快因為我食好多野我會好似你咁高!"

Can't argue there...  So I turn around and walk out...knowing full well my little princess will never be that precious child captured on my iPhone.  That's when I hear Nui-nui scream, "It's Ok Bah-Bee....  大個咗都係你個囡囡. 永遠都係你嘅囡囡, Ok??"


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