Sunday, June 09, 2013

That's why I don't do Children Ministry...

I love children.  I totally respect teachers, care-givers, educators.  I see every child at our church as my own children... we are one family.  But I'm just not cut out to be a full time children ministry servant.  There was a time and there may be a time... but geez.... you give me a bunch of obnoxious brats and I will discipline them.

Hey... I've been there.  I know the joy of being class make everyone laugh to gain attention... to "have fun" on a Saturday night. Maybe on any other Saturday night.  But not when Teacher Henry has you for 30 minutes.

Driving home last night, I was wondering if the kids will complain to their parents who will complain to our administrators... And they'll dis-invite me from serving in the future.  I wonder....

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