Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Travel woes

In Florida for a few days for work... and boy is it NOT California.

Best story of the trip....

One day... it was in the low 90's, hot and muggy.  I go to the beach and enjoy an afternoon there.

I go back to the hotel to nap... since I was gonna be on the grave shift.  Wake up to a thunderstorm.  An amazing storm it was. 

When driving into work that night.... I find out I left a crack open in my window and my car was flooded.  CRAP!!!!  Wasn't the weather picturesque earlier the day????? 

What's worse.... I get my one and only jacket soaking wet.  And in the office... the AC is amazingly strong.

So I go to Target to find a sweatshirt or windbreaker.  NOTHING!!! Everything is short sleeves or tank tops. 
I go to Walmart - same thing.  And there isn't a mall within a 20 mile radius of where I worked. 

I get into work to share my war story (while freezing my knickers off) and lo and behold... my coworker told me he did the same thing.  Only....he found a sweatshirt at Target.... the one and only..... XL.... in the women's department!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Florida - the armpit of America.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Finding a church... when did it get so complicated???

I'll say it... I'm a Protestant.  I'm not a Catholic... therefore, I must be a Protestant, right?  I can hide behind the term "Evangelical Christian", but in the end, it is what it is.  Not a big fan of that word.... even though it's just a label. 

And as a Protestant.... one of the most complicating things is finding a church!  I've seen people come and go at our church.  Church Hopping or Church Shopping as one would call it.  And too many a times... including my recent trip to Florida... I've had problems finding a church.

Go to google. 
Search for "church." 
Too wide of a search (Presbyterian? United Chuch? Baptist? Methodist? Pentacostal?....)
Narrow the search....
Hope for a website.... no website... no chance.
Check out website.... what kind of church is it?
Is it an all-white church? all-black? all-Asian? Mix?
What kind of worship....traditional, contemporary?
Do I have to dress up? Can I go in jeans?
What are the times...? Does it work for me?
Don't like mega churches... but don't like small churches, cuz I'll have to talk to people.

In the end... I come across a website.  The background is a guy with a guitar.  (contemporary - great!)  The website even says, "You can dress up....or dress casual.  All are welcomed." 

I get there.... I feel welcomed. I can blend in, cuz the Associate Pastor is Filipino.  There's a drumset, electric guitar, bass and keyboard.  Folks of all ages.

Ok...time for worship.  Great...can I clap?? Can I raise my hand?? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

Why's it so complicated!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!

As a Catholic... you find a church.  You find the time.  You show up.  You know exactly what's gonna happen.  The liturgy doesn't change....even if you're in a different country!! It's formulaic.  So much simpler.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Blood thicker than water...

As much as we don't want to use the word, Nui-nui is indeed shy.  It takes her a huge amount of effort to say "hi" to folks - even people she sees week in and week out.  We coax, we threaten, we plea.... just to get her to break out of her shell.  Eventually... she'll warm up to you and be the ever warm and jolly kid.  But it takes awhile....

But for whatever reason.... every time Nn sees mom or big bro... she doesn't hesitate to warm up. 

Case in point... big bro visits once or twice a year? At most? But last time when he came over for a brief visit... Nn sees him walk through the door and immediately smiles and waves.. welcoming him. 

The other night during dinner, Nn wanted to sit next to Grandma... and she enjoyed the entire evening laughing and playing with Mah-mah. 

Alas... blood is thicker than water. 

Sunday, July 07, 2013

"You've Got Mail..."

Spent last night watching the 1998 classic "You've Got Mail", starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan.  Back when we had cable... I'll always stay on it whenever it came up on TBS or TNT.  Those days are long gone.  Anyhoo.... it's funny how 15 years ago, a movie was made about how big corporate stores were demolishing mom & pop shops like "The Little Bookstore Around the Corner."  Or back in SLO, "The Novel Experience."  15 years later... I'm waiting for a movie where these giant corporate stores are forced to close due to online shopping. 

I wonder if those stores that were forced to close chuckled every time they see an empty "Borders" and soon to close "Barnes and Noble."  What do they call that...? Vindication?

Saturday, July 06, 2013

Horrible Parent

Just realized...once again...that I'm a horrible parent.  At Nn's first soccer practice... I was that parent who wouldn't let go of her hand.  The coaches even said it's ok for parents to run with the kids the first day.  So that's what I did... I wanted to make sure she felt comfortable.  But after the first 10 minutes... Nn still wouldn't let go.  I got that cold, icy look from Joyce.  So I gave up and said... "Fine... you ditch your daughter.  I want no part in this."  And I took SW and walked away to the swings. 

I come back 5 minutes later.. and Nn was off on her own with mom on the sideline cheering.  How did she do it?? I don't know... but I just know that I'm a horrible parent... HA!

Man of Steel

First time in 3 years that we've gone to a movie theater... this time to watch Man of Steel.  For whatever reason, I'm much more attracted to Superman than other superheroes... including the all-popular Batman.  Can probably write a whole blog post on "Why Superman is my favorite superhero." 

Best thing about the film isn't so much Clark and his struggles with his identity.  But the farmers in Kansas who knew no better. 

Quite touching is the scene where Ma Kent runs to school to save a young Clark in distress.  And only the soothing voice of a mother can reach a young boy locked in a broom closet... trapped in a forest of uncertainties.  Not a friend... not a father... but only a mom. 
Or the amazing line spoken by Pa Kent, "We've done our best....and maybe our best isn't good enough."  as a young Clark was being a typical rebellious youngin'.  He surrenders... he gives up... he knows his limits... and they're all so true.  Just as I see myself telling my kids the same thing in umpteenth year from now.

Hopeless.... helpless... that's not just the feelings going inside the head of a growing teenager.  It's exactly what parents are going through every minute...every day.

Now Jor-El.... that was a bit over the top.  Stick with Marlon Brando please....