Sunday, July 21, 2013

Finding a church... when did it get so complicated???

I'll say it... I'm a Protestant.  I'm not a Catholic... therefore, I must be a Protestant, right?  I can hide behind the term "Evangelical Christian", but in the end, it is what it is.  Not a big fan of that word.... even though it's just a label. 

And as a Protestant.... one of the most complicating things is finding a church!  I've seen people come and go at our church.  Church Hopping or Church Shopping as one would call it.  And too many a times... including my recent trip to Florida... I've had problems finding a church.

Go to google. 
Search for "church." 
Too wide of a search (Presbyterian? United Chuch? Baptist? Methodist? Pentacostal?....)
Narrow the search....
Hope for a website.... no website... no chance.
Check out website.... what kind of church is it?
Is it an all-white church? all-black? all-Asian? Mix?
What kind of worship....traditional, contemporary?
Do I have to dress up? Can I go in jeans?
What are the times...? Does it work for me?
Don't like mega churches... but don't like small churches, cuz I'll have to talk to people.

In the end... I come across a website.  The background is a guy with a guitar.  (contemporary - great!)  The website even says, "You can dress up....or dress casual.  All are welcomed." 

I get there.... I feel welcomed. I can blend in, cuz the Associate Pastor is Filipino.  There's a drumset, electric guitar, bass and keyboard.  Folks of all ages.

Ok...time for worship.  Great...can I clap?? Can I raise my hand?? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

Why's it so complicated!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!

As a Catholic... you find a church.  You find the time.  You show up.  You know exactly what's gonna happen.  The liturgy doesn't change....even if you're in a different country!! It's formulaic.  So much simpler.

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