Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Travel woes

In Florida for a few days for work... and boy is it NOT California.

Best story of the trip....

One day... it was in the low 90's, hot and muggy.  I go to the beach and enjoy an afternoon there.

I go back to the hotel to nap... since I was gonna be on the grave shift.  Wake up to a thunderstorm.  An amazing storm it was. 

When driving into work that night.... I find out I left a crack open in my window and my car was flooded.  CRAP!!!!  Wasn't the weather picturesque earlier the day????? 

What's worse.... I get my one and only jacket soaking wet.  And in the office... the AC is amazingly strong.

So I go to Target to find a sweatshirt or windbreaker.  NOTHING!!! Everything is short sleeves or tank tops. 
I go to Walmart - same thing.  And there isn't a mall within a 20 mile radius of where I worked. 

I get into work to share my war story (while freezing my knickers off) and lo and behold... my coworker told me he did the same thing.  Only....he found a sweatshirt at Target.... the one and only..... XL.... in the women's department!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Florida - the armpit of America.

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