Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Blood thicker than water...

As much as we don't want to use the word, Nui-nui is indeed shy.  It takes her a huge amount of effort to say "hi" to folks - even people she sees week in and week out.  We coax, we threaten, we plea.... just to get her to break out of her shell.  Eventually... she'll warm up to you and be the ever warm and jolly kid.  But it takes awhile....

But for whatever reason.... every time Nn sees mom or big bro... she doesn't hesitate to warm up. 

Case in point... big bro visits once or twice a year? At most? But last time when he came over for a brief visit... Nn sees him walk through the door and immediately smiles and waves.. welcoming him. 

The other night during dinner, Nn wanted to sit next to Grandma... and she enjoyed the entire evening laughing and playing with Mah-mah. 

Alas... blood is thicker than water. 

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