Saturday, July 06, 2013

Horrible Parent

Just realized...once again...that I'm a horrible parent.  At Nn's first soccer practice... I was that parent who wouldn't let go of her hand.  The coaches even said it's ok for parents to run with the kids the first day.  So that's what I did... I wanted to make sure she felt comfortable.  But after the first 10 minutes... Nn still wouldn't let go.  I got that cold, icy look from Joyce.  So I gave up and said... "Fine... you ditch your daughter.  I want no part in this."  And I took SW and walked away to the swings. 

I come back 5 minutes later.. and Nn was off on her own with mom on the sideline cheering.  How did she do it?? I don't know... but I just know that I'm a horrible parent... HA!

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