Monday, August 18, 2014


During the summer, we've been giving Nui-nui some "homework assignments" while she's home - the days she's not at Summer School.

She practices her addition, subtraction and multiplication.  I give her a few Chinese Characters to practice.  But the best part about the homework assignment is her journal.  Twice a week, I ask her to draw a picture and write 1-2 sentences about that picture.

I look forward to those days when I come home...and flip through her notebook to unveil what is the latest image going through her 5 year old mind.

As the summer comes to a close, I flip back and is astounded!!  Almost all her journals are about Happy Moments!!  Disneyland, Happy Hallow, Levi's Stadium (WOOT!!), Christmas Eve from last year, going to Mui-mui's birthday party.  If I was a clincial psychiatrist, I would say, "You have a happy girl!"

Of note... there are two journal entries that are not happy. 

1) An entry where she complained bout doing math... and wanted to do easy math.  HA!
2) The second one having to do with me  yelling at her... .and she feeling sorry and sad.  Awwwww....

I might fail... but I'm going to try hard as heck to keep these journal entries for when she goes off to college. 

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