Saturday, August 02, 2014


As of late... my son has taken on a new liking.  A liking of breasts. Not sure if it's normal though. 

He's 3... but he's obsessed with breasts.  He plays with mommy's breasts.  He plays with daddy's breasts.  At Target, we walk by a poster of a woman in a swimsuit and he points and yells, "奶奶!"  We pass by Victoria's Secrets and his eyes light up... "奶奶!" But he doesn't discriminate... he says the same things when we walk by Abercrombie.  He screams, "奶奶!" when he sees those male models.

I guess there's nothing wrong with it...  90% of the guys I know have an affinity for breasts. The other 10%....they have their own breasts, aka man-boobs. 

What gets a little alarming is...when we're praying and say, "in Jesus' name...." instead of "Amen" he says, "奶奶!" 

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