Wednesday, September 17, 2014

9 Year Anniversary

9 year anniversary today.  Suppose to be very special... .cuz 9 signifies 長長久久. 

It's been an amazing 9 years.  A quick 9 years.  9 years full of ups... and a whole bunch of downs.  Still remember those sweet, early years... when it was just the two of us, struggling to make ends meet and pay that mortgage.  Then came the first child.... then the second.  Work, ministry, life got in the way.... and at one point, the marriage red-light went off.  But through and through.... God has kept this 3-way relationship in tact.

And I must say.... today.... I love my wife more than I've ever loved her.  My wife... my best friend... the mother of my children.... the only one that truly understands my greatest joy and laments with me in my greatest sorrows. 

We didn't do much this year.  Last year, we took the day off to go shopping.  This year... .we stole a quick lunch at McDonald's.  Then I snuck off work early to get her a necklace as a gift.... which she didn't like.... and wanted me to return.  I also go the kids a nice set of formal clothes for a formal dinner.  Went to the same place we went to for our 2nd year anniversary. 

Then at night... it was late. We were tired. We watched a little TV as a family.... and that was it.  A quiet, uneventful day.  But regardless... it was a day spent with 'you.'  And that's all that really matters.

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