Sunday, September 07, 2014

Children's Alpha

Was asked to lead Children's Alpha this year.... and the past few months, I've been dreading this day.  Well, the day finally is upon me... and as expected, I did not welcome it with open hands. 

I don't know what it is.... but I really can't do Children's Ministry anymore.  I use to love kids. I use to want to dedicate my life to them.  But when I sit in a room full of kids that are not my own... and they complain... or run off.... or go wild.... I have that unquenchable thirst to discipline them!!

It amazes me how hyper some kids can be.  Or how disrespectful they are.  Or how impolite they are.  Where are their table manners? Where are their social behaviors? Goodness gracious... I sure hope my kids won't cause any teachers the same grief I'm having.

But in the end... I recognize this as an act of obedience.  I'm asked to do it... and I will do it.  Whether I like it or not, that's another story.

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