Friday, September 12, 2014


My dream...or dare I say fantasy... is quite simple.  I want to own and run a restaurant. 

Walking through Monterey Fisherman's Wharf the other day, I saw a restaurant owner wearing a nice polo, nice slacks and all he did was laugh and chat away with his customers.  He knew some of their names.. but was a stranger to most.  But his main purpose in life was to feed people and make sure the process was enjoyable. 

I want to be that owner.  Where the only thing I do the entire time is to take care of people's needs.  If someone is having a bad day.... Free bottle of wine, on the house!  If some kids are misbehaving and the parents are extremely stressed out.... free dessert, on the house!  If some delivery boy is feeling under appreciated... I'll offer him a job with a bright future.  Or at least mentor him and connect him with other friends.

I've been advised too many times... don't ever own a business, cuz you'll never stop working.  And furthermore, if you own a business, don't ever own a restaurant cuz it's bound to lose money.

Well dangit.... how am I suppose to live out my dream with all these naysayers?????  

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