Monday, September 29, 2014

Pro Democracy Demonstrations

Hong Kong has engaged in a peace movement in hopes of being granted democracy from China.  And though I am from Hong Kong... and I claim to have a lot of ties to Hong Kong... I'm honestly ambivalent to what's happening in my homeland.

My entire Facebook feed are people changing their profile picks to a yellow ribbon.  People are shedding tears of sadness when seeing what's happening. A friend even broke his 2 year Facebook silence to show support.

There's a theory... that if enough people stared and concentrated on an object, that object will explode under the stress of all the telepathic powers.  Makes you wonder... can all these collective thoughts and will power on social media really move the needle in pushing for Hong Kong democracy?

I really wish I can take part in this movement... but I simply don't have any affinity to this sort of thing.  Sad.  So so sad.

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