Sunday, October 05, 2014

Moving the needle - Boiling the Ocean

When it comes to change... people warn you of "Boiling the Ocean" or trying to make too much change that it's unrealistic.

Some people say, "Move the needle" like a clock... where small incremental changes will eventually equate to huge after effects.

Well... recently, I've finally bitten the bullet and decided to make some changes to my life.  I've decided to start using the mouse with my left hand.  Imagine... >20 years of doing something with the same hand.. .and now, I have to re-wire my brain.

All those games of Minesweeper... Starcraft... Microsoft Office.  Not to mention the patterns I've developed in my head to work the mouse with my right while typing with my left.  For example... highlighting a bunch of stuff and using my left hand to type Ctrl-C to copy.  Then Ctrl-V to paste.

Life... as I know it... will never be the same.  How much slower am I? How much less productive will I become?  Can I still beat Mark and Chris using Zergs??

The toughest part in all of this... the stinken touchpad on laptops.

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