Saturday, October 04, 2014

Children's Alpha - Point, Set, Match

After four Sundays and finally... Holy Spirit Saturday... Alpha 2014 can be stashed away into the digital archives of my SJCAC folder.  Another one bites the dust.

In the end... it turned out a lot better than I'd imagined.  I was basing the "curriculum" off of a previous year's curriculum.  "Knowing God."  "God's Promises" "Knowing Jesus" "Knowing Yourself." I prepped by researching Children Ministry curriculum and games and crafts.  Spent hours researching and thinking of how to link a theme with Adult Alpha and to make a difference. 

Then came Roy.  He flew in there... without any agenda... very last minute and said, "Let's just have fun."  Our 2nd week... we had an Ark building contest.  3rd week... we made lanterns, lanterns that can fly, float and roll on the ground. 4th week... hand puppet contest.  The kids loved it.  The helpers had a great time.  And we tied in some bible teachings here and there.

Holy Spirit Saturday... goodness gracious.  6 hours with the kids.  What am I to do?? What do teachers do all day with them??  Just like in football... if you have the lead... milk the time and keep control of the ball.

From 9AM - 3PM... it was all about time management and smart usage of Snack Time.  Ohhhh....

And thankfully... KL and CY/JLY came to help out.  We baked bread (circled back to Manna) and made ice cream (for no apparent reason).  I spent 30 minutes outside... making them do jumping jacks and sorts.  A little bit of this... a little bit of that... BAM...we were done.

A text exchange with Roy, earlier this morning.
Roy: Everything under control?
Henry: Making bread
Roy: Good

A few hours later..
Henry: Ohhhh finally done
Henry: 玩完.  收工.  下午茶
Roy: Finally, yes.

In a way... I feel like volunteering for Children's Alpha next year.  It's a tough job... especially for a fellowship hampered with a lot of newborns.  But in a way... it is our duty, I think, to serve our children.  Whether I like doing it or not.... until next year.  Joyce says... let's volunteer to cook next year.  She might regret saying that.

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