Saturday, June 27, 2015

Time to move

After 10 years of living in our home... it's now time to move. 

10 years in this home brought us 2 children... brought me 3 (THREE!!!) World Series.. 1 NBA championship. This home served as a Home Group for multiple students... served as the birthplace of Eden Fellowship.  We had a BBQ here for Nn's 1st bday on the hottest day of the year without AC.  We had our first Amazing Race finale at this house, with everyone hovering over a 17" monitor because we didn't have a projector and no one was smart enough to connect it to a projection TV.

Joyce was losing sleep over the stress and on an edge with the kids.  I told her... "Stop.  Let me look."  And she gladly relinquished the responsibilities.

I hopped onto Zillow and quickly found out why she was stressing.  No one has anything less than 12 months.  And we needed someplace safe. And preferrably some place with a garage for us to store our junk! Calls after calls.... fruitless.  We found a couple of places that invited us for a tour of their place.  Only to find out... on the phone, they promised a 6 mo lease. But when we got there... they only had 12 months.  Classic bait and switch!!! 

Pissed me off so much, I sent a Pearl Harbor letter saying I'll never do business with them again... and I'll dedicate my LIFE... to make sure none of my acquaintances do business with them either.

Weeks go by.  We continue to view openings.  The great ones are taken.  The good ones will never rent out to a family of 4 who's remodeling, we're short timers.  And the leftovers.... well, there's a reason why they're leftovers.  Crazy how diverse San Jose and Sunnyvale can really be.

And then there was this place.... the place I found on Zillow that WANTED a 6 mo lease vs a long term lease.  No way!! Too good to be true!! I thought.  I called the owner up.... she said there'll be an opening tomorrow.  Joyce and I drive by... knowing full well we won't be able to get it.  We walk in... and lo and behold... air conditioning.  OMG....  there's a community pool.  OMG.... it's 2 bed 2 baths.  OMG.... they WANT 6 mos... and will charge more for 9 or 12 mos.  Too good to be true.

I literally sent a "begging" letter to the owner saying we're the perfect resident.  I went as far as sending a family portrait to her to demonstrate we are "good people."  After not hearing from her for 2 weeks.... silence..... she sends a text one magical day and says, "My first candidate is falling through, you still interested?"

And the rest.... is history.

We're moving next Friday. Packing is horrendous.  And ohhhhhhhhhhh we have so much stuff accumulated over the years.  But alas... it's time to move.

Monday, June 22, 2015


Huge milestone.  Nui-nui graduated Kindergarten.

I did not cry.  Nope.  Didn't even shed one tear.  I was definitely proud! I mean.... my daughter was the main character in the skit.  She carried the American flag during the final procession (I guess the best of the best gets to do that).  And she was 1 of 2 students who did 4 digit division on stage (with a remainder!!!) 

I was actually a little disappointed. Why did she get the American flag...and not the Christian flag?? Why were there TWO students who did division and she wasn't the only one.  Why did she not get the final call to sing the National Anthem...after all those weeks of hearing her practice at home, in the car, in the shower, etc....?

But that'll be wrong.  All that expectations for an already star-student.

On the night of her graduation... on the day where she was head and shoulders above her peers... on the day where her principal and teacher said she "runs the class..." I scolded her and disciplined her.  She's already an A+ student.  She's already a leader among her peers. She's already "the one" that everyone wants to hang out with.  And yet... her dad still makes her think she's not good enough. 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Strength in Numbers

After 40 years... we did it.

We?? Am I even a Warriors fan?? Am I hopping on the bandwagon?

I guess I am.

I mean... I've been to 2 warriors game in my entire life.  I don't have cable... so I don't get to watch TNT or ESPN to keep up with the team.  I don't listen to the games on radio.  I sure as heck don't know the names of the players on even the championship roster.

But I'm a fan.

I was there during the Run TMC years. I was there when they drafted Chris Webber.  I was there when we drafted Joe Smith. I was there for the choking of Carlesimo.  I was there for Troy Murphy and J-Rich winning the Slam Dunk contest. I was there for "We Believe." I was there for the disbanding of "We Believe."

And today.... two days after we win.... I run around town to find the Championship Gear for my dad for Father's Day.  Cuz as much as I'm a fan.... he's 100X the Warriors fan.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Another first...

BOOM!! Done with lecture.  Not just any lecture...but giving a lecture to the servant leaders of CS. 

A different kind of pressure.. and whole new kind of rush.  Amazing how PAL entrusted me to share on, of all topics, Christian Ethics (better coined than the term Social Issues.)  He knows my political views.  He knows I'm a liberal at heart.  But he still trusted me to be bipartisan and to present the topics objectively.Sorta.

Like it or not... I slipped in a few of my own quibs.  I'm sure the class was enlightened... a bit. 

I was nervous!  I admit.  This isn't your normal Sunday School.  And this isn't just any topic.  But the b&s were polite enough to not challenge any of the views openly and engage in any debates.

And before I knew it... I was 10 minutes past my time. Phew....done.  Time for vacation.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Going to sleep...for good

Brought up the topic of "A Person's Right to Die" with fellowship today.  Raised up some good, real, heartfelt discussion.  Our parents, like it or not, is nearing that milestone.  Like it or not... it could happen to us.  Where a parent or loved one... is physically dying... but our faith demands we keep them alive and pray for LIFE.

This topic came up with Pastor Ed was nearing his final days.  A couple of our fellowship even disclosed the reality and practical act of "pulling the plug" depending on how old their kids were.  (Wow....). 

And now... my friend's Mother-in-Law is in a hospice, who just stopped eating a few days ago.  Her end time on earth is nearing.  What will her daughter do? What is going through her mind?

What would I do in her shoes?

Saturday, June 06, 2015

In summary...

Mom just had surgery.
Dad officially retires.
And big bro just got offered a position of VP.
Nn graduates in 2 weeks.
Sw.... Well.... Is tall enuf to ride some kiddie rides at Great America finally.
Warriors up 1-0 against a limping Cavs team. 
And needa needa move!!! Geez!!