Monday, June 22, 2015


Huge milestone.  Nui-nui graduated Kindergarten.

I did not cry.  Nope.  Didn't even shed one tear.  I was definitely proud! I mean.... my daughter was the main character in the skit.  She carried the American flag during the final procession (I guess the best of the best gets to do that).  And she was 1 of 2 students who did 4 digit division on stage (with a remainder!!!) 

I was actually a little disappointed. Why did she get the American flag...and not the Christian flag?? Why were there TWO students who did division and she wasn't the only one.  Why did she not get the final call to sing the National Anthem...after all those weeks of hearing her practice at home, in the car, in the shower, etc....?

But that'll be wrong.  All that expectations for an already star-student.

On the night of her graduation... on the day where she was head and shoulders above her peers... on the day where her principal and teacher said she "runs the class..." I scolded her and disciplined her.  She's already an A+ student.  She's already a leader among her peers. She's already "the one" that everyone wants to hang out with.  And yet... her dad still makes her think she's not good enough. 

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