Friday, June 12, 2015

Going to sleep...for good

Brought up the topic of "A Person's Right to Die" with fellowship today.  Raised up some good, real, heartfelt discussion.  Our parents, like it or not, is nearing that milestone.  Like it or not... it could happen to us.  Where a parent or loved one... is physically dying... but our faith demands we keep them alive and pray for LIFE.

This topic came up with Pastor Ed was nearing his final days.  A couple of our fellowship even disclosed the reality and practical act of "pulling the plug" depending on how old their kids were.  (Wow....). 

And now... my friend's Mother-in-Law is in a hospice, who just stopped eating a few days ago.  Her end time on earth is nearing.  What will her daughter do? What is going through her mind?

What would I do in her shoes?

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