Monday, June 15, 2015

Another first...

BOOM!! Done with lecture.  Not just any lecture...but giving a lecture to the servant leaders of CS. 

A different kind of pressure.. and whole new kind of rush.  Amazing how PAL entrusted me to share on, of all topics, Christian Ethics (better coined than the term Social Issues.)  He knows my political views.  He knows I'm a liberal at heart.  But he still trusted me to be bipartisan and to present the topics objectively.Sorta.

Like it or not... I slipped in a few of my own quibs.  I'm sure the class was enlightened... a bit. 

I was nervous!  I admit.  This isn't your normal Sunday School.  And this isn't just any topic.  But the b&s were polite enough to not challenge any of the views openly and engage in any debates.

And before I knew it... I was 10 minutes past my time. Phew....done.  Time for vacation.

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