Thursday, June 18, 2015

Strength in Numbers

After 40 years... we did it.

We?? Am I even a Warriors fan?? Am I hopping on the bandwagon?

I guess I am.

I mean... I've been to 2 warriors game in my entire life.  I don't have cable... so I don't get to watch TNT or ESPN to keep up with the team.  I don't listen to the games on radio.  I sure as heck don't know the names of the players on even the championship roster.

But I'm a fan.

I was there during the Run TMC years. I was there when they drafted Chris Webber.  I was there when we drafted Joe Smith. I was there for the choking of Carlesimo.  I was there for Troy Murphy and J-Rich winning the Slam Dunk contest. I was there for "We Believe." I was there for the disbanding of "We Believe."

And today.... two days after we win.... I run around town to find the Championship Gear for my dad for Father's Day.  Cuz as much as I'm a fan.... he's 100X the Warriors fan.

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