Sunday, October 18, 2015

40 Year Anniversary.... 10 years for us....

My church family just celebrated its 40 year anniversary.  From a little gymnasium... to one of the first Chinese Churches in the South Bay... to the place I've called "home" for the past 10 years.... SJCAC has certainly left it's mark in the history of the Silicon Valley.

The other night at fellowship... I asked every member to share their most memorable memory of SJCAC.  Surprisingly.... many of them shared the experience of serving college students.  I too, have a vivid memory of serving them.  Taking them shopping at Gilroy on Black Friday.  Never... ever doing that again!! 

Some of the new church member shared how powerful our church prays.  One person shared how church is truly a family... insomuch as seeing the Pastors... is like seeing her own father.  And bringing her children to them... is like bringing her children to their grandparents. 

After 40 years of establishment.... and after 10 whole years of being at this church... tonight... .FINALLY.... Joyce leads her first bible study.  And boy was she amazing.  She led from the heart.  She led with biblical authority.  She led with clear and concise messages.  When it comes to bible study or leading a study... some people have it... many do not.  My wife definitely does.  That spiritual gift must get harnessed.  So many people can benefit from it.... so many. 

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