Saturday, October 24, 2015

So loud, I lost my voice...

Really went at it with the GC this morning. Again... a bunch of finger pointing.  A bunch of not taking ownership and responsibility.  I told Joyce right away... it's a losing battle... even if we win, we still lose.  I also told her, in this instance, we are 99% at fault.  But I still grabbed onto that 1% and argued.  I had to go fight that battle anyways.  And boy did I fight. The GC and I were at each other's faces.  It took so much constraint on both of our parts to not get into a real scuffle.

I truly thank the Lord for granting me that trial... and I was tested and able to restrain myself towards the end.  That level of patience was not part of me, say, 3-4 years ago. 

And after going at it with him for an hour... after losing our voices from yelling... we drove away with a hearty handshake.  "Hug it out."

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