Saturday, October 03, 2015

Remodel - Day 89

A scholar and a gentleman.... and some sort've reptilian animal.

That's how we can best describe our GC. 

He's smart.  He's a business man. He knows how to run a business and keep things going.  I can see he's in the GC business not for himself, but to train his son to take over.  And to keep his crew employed.  But at times, contracting is still a dog-eat-dog world.  People will rake you over the coals if you're not careful... and even if you're careful.... you're gonna pay a lot of "tuition" cuz you simply don't know enough.

Came to another standstill on Friday.  Really went at it with the GC over some recessed lights.  He thinks we should pay for 8.  I think I should pay for 2.  We went back and forth... back and forth.  He was legitimately correct... mostly.  And I wasn't perfect either.  But I was under orders by the boss *ahem* to negotiate.  It started out as a cordial conversation... and I knew I was going to be on the losing end anyways. But then I caught him one lie after another.... and then I unleashed my inner-animal. I wasn't going to let him getaway with highway robbery!!  He was gonna have to earn that $800!!! 

His voice and demeanor changed... whether he knows that "Crap... he caught me!" or I think it's more like, "He's the customer... I can't argue with him."  

We hung up... I lost the negotiation.

On Saturday, we met up.  And tension was still high.  Joyce, this time, played the peacekeeper.  And I was on the GC's case for every little thing.

H: "When are you gonna fix it?"
H: "What does that mean? You mean today?"

H: "How do you know the wiring is correct?"
GC: "Cuz he built it to the plans."
H: "How do you know he followed the plans and didn't make a mistake? Were you here to check him?"
GC: "I don't know... I guess I can check"
(and upon checking... the electrician was wrong).

We picked the GC apart... pointed out all these details... that I'm sure he would catch if he was here full time.  But alas.... he is one man and can't pay enough attention.

Joyce and I both knew he was keeping in his temper... he was being very cordial and diplomatic.  To that... I applaud him.  But don't try to pull a quick one over us.  It's rude... it's conniving... and it's down-right dog eat dog....

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