Sunday, October 11, 2015


SW broke all my expectations tonight....

As always...we were putting them down for bed.  We told them their stories.  Said our prayers.  And mahmee even added a special story tonight.

That's when it happened. And I really should have kept exact time and even recorded the events.

But for 30 minutes straight, NON-STOP, SW told story after story.  Like 101 Arabian Nights... he wouldn't stop!!

He went from the Three Little Pigs to the story of Christmas.... then he jumped to the Passion and Death of Jesus... then he sent to Joshua and Jericho... followed by (of course) David and Goliath.  That was just a warm up!! He then went onto 10 different versions of the Avengers. Followed by the Fantastic Four.... then back to the Avengers... leading up to a mysterious character.... the all-powerful... SPIDER-MAN!!!!  When he started slowing down... he immediately jumped to Rescue Bots!! Followed by....none other than... Curious George!!!

Story after story... adventure after adventure. 

It was past 30 minutes since I started counting... .so it must've been at least 35-40 minutes... I had to tell him to stop.  As much as I wanted to really see how long he could go.... it was well past his bed time.

But at the end of all that... I walk out of his room a proud parent.  He told all those stories.... in Chinese. 

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