Sunday, May 08, 2016

Mother's Day 2016

Joyce rarely makes any requests for Bday, Vday, or Mother's Day.
But today - she specifically said she wanted brunch -- at Stacks. 

After church, we call ahead to try to leave our name.  They don't do that.

We get there... and it's 1.5 hour wait. 

We put our name down and walk over to Starbucks.  I call them and say, "Can I leave my number for you to text me?"  They say, "We don't do that.  You can come back and check if you want." 

She still wanted brunch.  We could've gone to the Campbell Brewery and had lunch.  But no... she wanted brunch at Stacks.

We ended up ordering to go and ate at home.  But she got what she want.

For dinner.  She wanted TGI Sushi.  I tried calling ahead and they wouldn't take my call.  I finally got there and the waitress said, "It's a half hour wait." 

I thought about it... and realized she wanted TGI Sushi.  So I waited.  The waitress said, "You'll wait?!?!" 

Yes... I waited.

I love my wife.

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