Saturday, July 09, 2016

So proud...

Big bro threw the 100 day party for Clark last week.  I was this close to attending.  Had mom's situation fallen apart, I would've dropped everything here to represent the family.

Mom sent pictures of the party.... wow!!  It was an extravaganza! So many people. So many tables.  Even though I believe most of the people were Ah So's friends and family... I also believe, I know, that a lot of those were there cuz of Big Bro. 

He went to Beijing 6 years ago... leaving everything behind... with no certainty of his future.  And here he is... 6 years later.  With a family.  He's now a father.  With a 江山。  He's the VP of a big time company.   He did the exactly what dad did coming to America with nothing and building a family.  Except... dad remained a blue collar worker all his life.  Big bro took his status.. and raised it a new level (or two). He is my hero... My idol... My 虯髯客。

To top it off... mom sent a video of Big Bro making a speech all in Mandarin.  Wow.  We make fun and take jabs all the time about speaking in Mandarin. But when it comes down to it... we know that we can never speak in our own language, in our own country. And no...speaking Cantonese is worth nothing in the grand scheme of things.

We always think grass is greener on the other side.  Big bro is envious of me... and my life here in the Bay Area.  Whereas I'm jealous of being able to go off, launch myself into the big-big world and know what I'm made of. Ironic... isn't it.

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