Sunday, July 24, 2016

So satisfying...

Still remember a few months ago when we went bowling with the kids... and Nn was crying because she couldn't bowl as well as SW. 

Everything came to pass today.  Last Saturday.. I found a nice little Groupon for $18 at Homestead Bowl.  I practically had to beg the kids to go.... cuz I knew Nn wanted redemption.  But at the same time... she feared "losing" to SW again. The final enticement I can offer was... they have bumpers, so there won't be gutter balls. 

SW was once again, his happy go lucky self.  He set the ball down and gave it his best push... and even then, it took the ball 10-15 seconds to slowly waltz down the lane after bumping the bumpers once or twice.  But he was having fun all by himself... cheering himself on with every roll!!  Love his attitude.

NN was once again overly competitive.  She wanted to combine scores with me... so she won't lose to SW.  She came up with a million excuses that this was just practice and not a game.  She didn't even want to keep score.  And I didn't help with things... I was helping SW roll cuz he really didnt' have the strength.  As for NN.... I taught her the proper form (for a 7 year old) and she was doing it via trial and error. 

About the 7th frame... I finally noticed that she wasn't smiling anymore.  She was dead serious after every roll.  Mad at herself for not doing better.  I looked up at the score and finally realized why... she was losing.  Not just to mom... but to SW (again).  At that moment, I caught myself praying... praying that she would do better.  And as horrible as it sounds... I prayed that SW would not do as well.  Ohhhhhhhhh.... the thing a parent has to go through.

Alas... my prayer was answered.  Nn rolls a SPARE.  She was sooooo happy.  Jumping up and down... bouncing around.  Sure...the ball ricochet off the bumpers a few times.  But it was still a SPARE.  More importantly... she was able to beat SW.  And did SW give a hoot....? He just wanted to go to McDonald's. HA!!!

The Groupon was for 1 we had time for another game.  And during the second game... my daughter rolled her first (assisted) strike.  That was it.  That did it.  BEST DAY EVER!!! 

As we were walking out... she said, "Thank you Bah-B for bringing us bowling.  I had a lot of fun." 

I love my kids...

And the most satisfying thing of all.  I looked at my receipt and saw $49.00 followed by GROUPON DISCOUNT - $18.  $31 saving.... I win!!

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