Sunday, November 27, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

8 years.  It's been 8 years since we've been to a CS retreat.  The excuse is... we have kids.  The real reason... we rather spend time with family (one night) and not have to rough it.  This year was different.  Our kids are old enough now.  It's time to go back....  and this year... my dad came with us.

He who's gone to a handful of religious services... including me and big bro's First Communion.  My wedding.  And.... that's about it. 

I knew he just wanted to spend time with the grandkids.  My hope was... he can come to accept Christ and find salvation. 

The first night... after the speaker was done speaking about "Our Roles in the Work Place" dad pulled me aside and asked a million questions.  I went through Apologetics.  I went through System Theology. I went through Christian History.  Alas... I went into Salvation.  And in the end... I was too timid to push.  I didn't ask if he was ready to accept Christ.  Maybe I was scared.  Maybe it wasn't the right timing.  When will be the right timing......?

The next morning.  We had our traditional TWA.  I specifically went to Daiso and bought him a notebook and a 4 colored pen.  I had a bible for him, bookmarked to all the right pages.  And thankfully... it was Brother Danny who was leading him.  The thought of my dad... reading the bible... copying the bible... brought me to tears. Was I dreaming? Was this really happening??

Throughout the rest of the weekend. I was worried about one thing.  His hard of hearing. He's going deaf in his old age and he hasn't gotten his hearing aid yet.  There were times he couldn't carry on a conversation with others.  There were times he couldn't hear me speak... and I was 2 feet away from him.  But I believe...whatever he was able to hear from the speaker... more importantly he heard the Spirit in his heart.

Saturday night... the speaker had a calling.  It wasn't quite appropriate withe the crowd and with his message.  I was praying hard that dad would raise his hand.  Alas... will have to wait till next time. 

Next time....?  I can't keep waiting for "next time" or "the right timing."  Otherwise... there won't be a next time or the right time. 

Happy Thanksgiving. 

Oh... and... wow.... what an amazing weekend.  Thank you Jesus!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Woke up in a cold sweat last night.

It just occurred to me that Nn and Sw... both attending private school.  Second Generation, Evangelical Christian, middle class family.  They're both going to grow up and become.... Republicans. 

Saturday, November 19, 2016

She needs glasses...

It was out of the blue.. I wanted Nn to read a random sign on the streets.  She said she couldn't see it.  I first thought she was kidding.  Then I thought we were blocking her.  Then it got serious. 

She couldn't read the license plate in front of us.  We got to Costco... she couldn't read the prices. 

Then the waterworks started flowing.  She got scared.  "Will I need surgery? Will I need glasses? And most importantly... Will I still be pretty?"

Joyce and I were pissed.  We told her.  We told her to not rub her eyes.  We told her to not read in the dark.  We told her this and we told her that.  But ultimately, we we are pissed at ourselves, but we directed our anger at her. 

True... she doesn't take good care of her eyes.  But she's 7!!!  We need to be accountable.  Maybe it's genetics.  Both Nn's parents have glasses.  All of her grandparents have glasses.  Maybe it was inevitable.  Guess we'll never know.

Today... was clearly a bad bad day. 

Friday, November 11, 2016

Democracy - You get what you deserve

Tuesday night..I was literally frightened and scared.

As we watched on TV, and the states that ought to turn blue - stayed GRAY.  That empty feeling.  The math just didn't add up.

We also saw a few more states voting to legalize recreation marijuana.  Almost 2/3 of the USA now have legalized marijuana. The future... is bleak. 

It was about 9PM.  None of the news outlets called it yet.  But we all knew.  I bet Hillary knew.  It was at that moment... I seized my daughter by her shoulder.  I looked her in the eye in the most serious look I can give her, and said.  "Sweetie.  You must stand firm.  In the future, you will go through rough and challenging times.  But you must believe that God is sovereign and in control.

The next couple of days... I read about protests.  Mass immigration. People nesting for 4 years. Calling for change of the Electoral College in favor of the Popular Vote (which, btw was closer than a major metropolitan city's population).  Sour grapes? Sore losers? Or true patriots?? 

The White House, the Senate, the House... and pretty soon, the Supreme Court.  What will America become? 

One friend of mine said... we survived 8 years of Dubya.
Another friend said... at least we won't have too many gerrymandering. 
And another friend of mine said... it's democracy, you get what you deserve. 

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Another Halloween....come and gone...

Yesterday was Halloween.  Another day where I get so nervous about the neighborhood kids coming to Trick or Treat only to read a sign on our door that says, "Our family does not celebrate Halloween.  Have a safe night. God bless."

I can't deny that Halloween has been made to be a fun holiday.  As anti-Christian as it is.... I can't blame people for wanting to dress up their kids for a night of trick-or-treat.  In my facebook feed... I see so many cute costumes.  And kids with smiles on their faces.

But deep (DEEP) down inside... I know this is not pleasing to God.

Thankfully... both NN and SW understand (for now) that we stand firm in our beliefs.  But when I hear those kids knocking on our door and reading that sign... I get goosebumps and cringes that they'll end up throwing eggs at our door.