Friday, November 11, 2016

Democracy - You get what you deserve

Tuesday night..I was literally frightened and scared.

As we watched on TV, and the states that ought to turn blue - stayed GRAY.  That empty feeling.  The math just didn't add up.

We also saw a few more states voting to legalize recreation marijuana.  Almost 2/3 of the USA now have legalized marijuana. The future... is bleak. 

It was about 9PM.  None of the news outlets called it yet.  But we all knew.  I bet Hillary knew.  It was at that moment... I seized my daughter by her shoulder.  I looked her in the eye in the most serious look I can give her, and said.  "Sweetie.  You must stand firm.  In the future, you will go through rough and challenging times.  But you must believe that God is sovereign and in control.

The next couple of days... I read about protests.  Mass immigration. People nesting for 4 years. Calling for change of the Electoral College in favor of the Popular Vote (which, btw was closer than a major metropolitan city's population).  Sour grapes? Sore losers? Or true patriots?? 

The White House, the Senate, the House... and pretty soon, the Supreme Court.  What will America become? 

One friend of mine said... we survived 8 years of Dubya.
Another friend said... at least we won't have too many gerrymandering. 
And another friend of mine said... it's democracy, you get what you deserve. 

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