Sunday, November 27, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

8 years.  It's been 8 years since we've been to a CS retreat.  The excuse is... we have kids.  The real reason... we rather spend time with family (one night) and not have to rough it.  This year was different.  Our kids are old enough now.  It's time to go back....  and this year... my dad came with us.

He who's gone to a handful of religious services... including me and big bro's First Communion.  My wedding.  And.... that's about it. 

I knew he just wanted to spend time with the grandkids.  My hope was... he can come to accept Christ and find salvation. 

The first night... after the speaker was done speaking about "Our Roles in the Work Place" dad pulled me aside and asked a million questions.  I went through Apologetics.  I went through System Theology. I went through Christian History.  Alas... I went into Salvation.  And in the end... I was too timid to push.  I didn't ask if he was ready to accept Christ.  Maybe I was scared.  Maybe it wasn't the right timing.  When will be the right timing......?

The next morning.  We had our traditional TWA.  I specifically went to Daiso and bought him a notebook and a 4 colored pen.  I had a bible for him, bookmarked to all the right pages.  And thankfully... it was Brother Danny who was leading him.  The thought of my dad... reading the bible... copying the bible... brought me to tears. Was I dreaming? Was this really happening??

Throughout the rest of the weekend. I was worried about one thing.  His hard of hearing. He's going deaf in his old age and he hasn't gotten his hearing aid yet.  There were times he couldn't carry on a conversation with others.  There were times he couldn't hear me speak... and I was 2 feet away from him.  But I believe...whatever he was able to hear from the speaker... more importantly he heard the Spirit in his heart.

Saturday night... the speaker had a calling.  It wasn't quite appropriate withe the crowd and with his message.  I was praying hard that dad would raise his hand.  Alas... will have to wait till next time. 

Next time....?  I can't keep waiting for "next time" or "the right timing."  Otherwise... there won't be a next time or the right time. 

Happy Thanksgiving. 

Oh... and... wow.... what an amazing weekend.  Thank you Jesus!!

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