Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Another Halloween....come and gone...

Yesterday was Halloween.  Another day where I get so nervous about the neighborhood kids coming to Trick or Treat only to read a sign on our door that says, "Our family does not celebrate Halloween.  Have a safe night. God bless."

I can't deny that Halloween has been made to be a fun holiday.  As anti-Christian as it is.... I can't blame people for wanting to dress up their kids for a night of trick-or-treat.  In my facebook feed... I see so many cute costumes.  And kids with smiles on their faces.

But deep (DEEP) down inside... I know this is not pleasing to God.

Thankfully... both NN and SW understand (for now) that we stand firm in our beliefs.  But when I hear those kids knocking on our door and reading that sign... I get goosebumps and cringes that they'll end up throwing eggs at our door.

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